Woman who has slept with over 100 people shares which nationality is the worst in bed

A woman who has slept with over 100 people recently shared some insights and let’s just say, she did not hold back.

Coco Bae, an adult content creator from Canada who has racked up over 30,000 fans on Instagram, has opened up about how her wild intimate encounters have led her to set herself a bold goal.

Coco has now made it a target to sleep with a man from every nationality.

And so far, it seems as though she’s keeping track of who comes with their A-game and who falls a little short… No pun intended.

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Speaking on The Kyle and Jackie O Show, the 37-year-old confirmed that she’s slept with men from several countries, such as America, India, Germany, England, and even Djibouti, which is a rarer find these days.

And the list doesn’t stop there.

“I’ve had men from America, Canada, the UK, Israel, Australia, Haiti, El Salvador, Holland, Norway, Greece, France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Ireland. Ireland, Belize, Djibouti, Nicaragua, Italy, Guatemala, Switzerland and Argentina,” she said, before adding another handful of countries to the list including: Honduras, Costa Rica, Thailand, Russia, Columbia? I’m not sure. Albania, Brazil. India, Spain, Peru, Lebanon, Algeria, Croatia, Serbia. Armenia, Scotland, Ukraine and New Zealand.

She then went on to reveal the lovers she thought were best.

“My lovers from Brazil were the most enjoyable to be with. They were just up for having fun, whichever way it happens,” she explained. “Many of the conservative cultures enjoy the most ‘out there’ acts. For example, I have come across many Arab and Indian dudes who really like booty action in various forms.”

She went on to disclose that the most boring sex she’s ever had was always with men from Germany or the United Kingdom.

However, they did have a plus to them too.

“On the positive side, I found they are aiming to please, so they’re always asking for feedback,” she stated. “What do I want? What do I prefer? What would I like to do next?”

In terms of stamina, the Russians had that one in the bag.

“He lived in my building, and it was my fault it ended,” she recalled. “I had to tell him I didn’t want to keep at it for hours. I just don’t like it.”

However, who were men at the bottom of the list? According to Coco, Australian men.

After allegedly sleeping with multiple men from Down Under, she said: “[They] need to step it up a little bit” when it comes to getting down and dirty.

Coco is determined to continue with her X-rated escapades until she’s slept with a man from every nationality.

Good luck to her.