Elon Musk’s trans daughter responds after dad says she was ‘killed’ by the ‘woke mind virus’

Elon Musk’s daughter has issued a scathing response to her father after he claimed she was “killed” by the “woke mind virus”.

GettyImages-2158244128.jpgElon Musk claimed his child was “killed” by the “woke mind virus”. Credit: Marc Piasecki / Getty

Earlier this week, during an interview with psychologist and conservative commentator Dr. Jordan Peterson, the 53-year-old Tesla CEO spoke out about his trans daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson.

Vivian, 20, is the trans daughter of the X owner and author Justine Musk.

During the interview, Musk claimed he was “tricked” into agreeing to gender-affirming care procedures for Vivian.

Describing such procedures as “child mutilation and sterilization”, Musk opened up about Vivian’s transition during the pandemic, saying: “I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of [his children],” Musk said in the Daily Wire interview.

Musk repeatedly deadnamed and misgendered Vivian, adding: “This was really before I had any understanding of what was going on, and we had Covid going on, so there was a lot of confusion and I was told [Vivian] might commit suicide.”

“I was tricked into doing this,” Musk said. “I lost my [child], essentially. They call it ‘deadnaming’ for a reason. The reason they call it ‘deadnaming’ is because your [child] is dead.”

“[Vivian] is dead — killed by the woke-mind virus,” Musk added. “I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that,” Musk said. “And we’re making some progress.”

In a follow-up tweet, Musk claimed that Vivian “was born gay and slightly autistic, two attributes that contribute to gender dysphoria”, before adding that Vivian “would pick out clothes” for him to wear, like a “fabulous” jacket.

Now, Vivian has spoken out.

Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 20.01.44.jpgCredit: Threads/@vivllainous

Taking to Threads to share her side, she wrote in response to Musk’s tweet: “There’s a lot of stuff I need to debunk which I will get to don’t worry, but I want to start with what I find the funniest which is the notorious ‘slightly autistic’ tweet. This is gonna be a bit so just [bear] with me.

“This is entirely fake. Like, literally none of this ever happened. Ever.

“I don’t even know where he got this from.

“My best guess is that he went to the Milo Yiannopoulis school of gay stereotypes, just picked some at random and said ‘eh- good enough’ in a last-ditch attempt to garner sympathy points when he is so obviously in the wrong even in his own f***ing story.”

She continued: “I did not have a ‘love of musicals & theatre”’when I was four, because y’know… I was f***ing four. I did not know what these things were. My earliest real experience with musicals was when my twin brother had a [Hamilton] phase in 8th/9th grade and overplayed it so much in the car to the point where for a long time I swore off the entire genre.

“I never picked out jackets for him to wear and I was most certainly not calling them ‘fabulous’ because literally what the f**k. I did not use the word fabulous when I was four because once again I would like to reiterate… I was four.”

Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 20.01.39.jpgCredit: Threads/@vivllainous

“This entire thing is completely made up and there’s a reason for this. He doesn’t know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn’t there, and in the little time that he was I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness,” Vivian added. “Obviously he can’t say that, so I’ve been reduced to a happy little stereotype f*g-ing along to use at his discretion.

“I think that says a lot about how he views queer people and children in general.”

She then reiterated: “As for if I’m not a woman… sure, Jan. Whatever you say. I’m legally recognized as a woman in the state of California and I don’t concern myself with the opinions of those who are below me.

“Obviously Elon can’t say the same because in a ketamine-fueled haze, he’s desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him. Go touch some f***ing grass.”

Vivian then added: “So now that I’ve gained some traction reading Adrian Dittman to filth, I want to make one thing absolutely clear. I disowned him, not the other way around.”

The name “Adrian Dittman” is the name many social media users believe Elon Musk uses for his “burner accounts”.

Vivian has also pinned the following message at the top of her profile: “I look pretty good for a dead b***h.”